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Software Suspend 2, also called "swsusp2" and "suspend2", is an implementation of suspend-to-disk functionality in the form of a Linux kernel patch and several userspace utilities. It is an alternative to both the BIOS-driven hibernation feature found on most ThinkPad models, and the "software suspend" functionality built into recent Linux kernels.

Compared to the alternatives, Software Suspend 2 has some unique features:

  • The ability to compress the memory image as it is written to disk, thereby reducing suspend and resume times.
  • Saving the memory image into the swap partition or a file on a normal filesystem, instead of a dedicated partition
  • Cancelling a suspend in progress
  • Control over amount of RAM written to disk -- can (optionally) discard cached disk blocks to reduce suspend and resume times
  • Textual and graphical UI (optional)
  • Improved reliability under some circumstances -- if the alternatives don't work, try this one!

Since it is implemented purely in software, Software Suspend 2 is in principle machine-independent and should work on all modern ThinkPad models. However, in some cases problematic driver need to be unloaded before suspension.

Model-specific Status

Installation Instructions

The project home page has a detailed HOWTO and FAQ. The following are just a few highlights.

Patching mkinitrd

If your systems uses an initrd file (most do), you'll need to patch or replace your initrd-creation script.

  • Fedora: in /sbin/mkinitrd, find this line:
echo "echo Mounted /proc filesystem" >> $RCFILE

and add the following immediately afterwards:

echo "echo > /proc/suspend2/do_resume" >>$RCFILE

Make sure you (re)install your kernel after patching mkinitrd.

Hibernation script

Software Suspend 2 works best with a hibernate script, which takes care of auxiliary tasks needed on many systems (e.g., unloading problematic modules and restoring video modes).


External links