How to build custom packages for fglrx

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This pages provides instructions for building and installing custom packages for the fglrx driver. This is useful if you are using a custom-compiled kernels and want to use an orderly RPM-based installation.

Fedora 5

First, add the RPM repository to your yum configuration. The custom packages will be based on those of

yum install xorg-x11-drv-fglrx
VER=8.26.18-  # copy version string of kmod-fglrx package added by the above command
wget -c$VER.src.rpm
mkdir fglrx-workdir; cd fglrx-workdir
rpm2cpio ../fglrx-kmod-$VER.src.rpm | cpio -i
perl -i -pe 'print "#disabled: " if m/BuildRequires: +kernel/' kmodtool
perl -i -pe 'print "#disabled: " if m/Requires: +\$\{kdep\}/' kmodtool
perl -i -pe 's@(^ +ksrc)=.*$@$1=/lib/modules/%{kverrel}/build@' fglrx-kmod.spec
tar czf pack.tgz --exclude pack.tgz .
rpmbuild --tb --clean --target $(uname -m) --define "ksrc /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build" \
  --define "kversion $(uname -r)" --define 'kvariants ""' pack.tgz
cd ..; rm -fr fglrx-workdir
sudo rpm -Uvh --oldpackage --replacepkgs ~/rpm/RPMS/$(uname -m)/kmod-fglrx-${VER/.2.6.*/}.$(uname -r).$(uname -m).rpm

The xorg-x11-drv-fglrx does not install automatically. Need to do similar work as above to build it Some livna packages don't have i686 in .spec file, should manaually add them, build and install using "rpm -ivh --nodeps".

--For v8.24 driver Symlinks need to be re-build in /usr/lib/Xorg/modules, also need to run /sbin/modprobe fglrx after installation. the libGL symlink should point to /usr/lib/ati-fglrx/

At this point, only 8.24 works for 9200 card. (tried 8.25 and 8.26 failed) --End for 8.24 driver

After reboot, test driver using glxinfo and fglrxinfo

Fedora 4

First, add the RPM repository to your yum configuration. The custom packages will be based on those of

yum install ati-fglrx
VER=  # copy version string from output of above command
rpmbuild --rebuild --target $(uname -m) --define "ksrc /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build" --without userland ati-fglrx-$VER.src.rpm
rpm -Uvh --replacepkgs /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/$(uname -m)/kernel-module-fglrx-$(uname -r)-$VER.$(uname -m).rpm