ATI Mobility FireGL V5200

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This is an ATI video adapter


  • Chipset: ATI M56 - Similar to Radeon X1600
  • PCI ID: 1002:71c4
  • PCI Express x16
  • 256 MB GDDR3-SDRAM video memory

Linux X.Org driver

Initial support included in the stable branch of the Xorg radeon driver (2D only). XVideo acceleration and 3D support are still under development but should be available within 2008. Ubuntu 8.04 uses this driver by default.

It is also supported by the radeonhd driver. A Debian package already exists in the experimental branch. 3d is still under development. There is also a Gentoo ebuild recently added to the tree (x11-drivers/xf86-video-radeonhd), which seems to be working without any problems.

ThinkPad LCD

Display on the internal LCD works as long as you set the monitor settings correctly. Changing the driver from "ati" to "vesa" in xorg.conf will start X but with a lower resolution than expected.

Full resolution can be achieved when all modelines are removed and mode 1600x1200 with depth 24 is selected.

External VGA port


SVideo port


DVI port

No (yes on Docking Station, working with fglrx driver

Proprietary ATI driver

Proprietary fglrx driver works since version 8.25.18, version 8.24.8 works by adding "ChipID 0x71c5" to the xorg.conf "Device" statement and fooling it into thinking it's a X1600 mobility (do this only as a last resort or if you're sure you have an older driver; it is fatal to version 8.25.18).

The new driver 8.25.18 seems to support the card, see (successfully tested with the provided autorun installation script on OpenSuSE 10.1, T60p with 15" display).

(K)ubuntu 6.06 comes with this driver and it works out of the box. However, it seems to have problems with VT Switching (Alt+Fn). Instead of switching to a console, X resets and goes back to the log in screen (This doesn't happen when using the vesa driver). The switching issue might be resolvable by setting ENABLE_LAPTOP_MODE=true in /etc/default/acpi-support, but it doesn't seem to help on all systems.

On Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy) with 'splash' on the command line, you cannot switch to VTs. This is a Thinkpad T60. The screen remains graphical, but is very badly garbled. There is no text. X does not reset, and you can switch back to your X session. The solution is to include 'vga-791' or to remove 'splash' from the grub or lilo command line. You don't need to do both. (It's been a few days, so I don't remember where I found this...I just chanced upon this wiki page for the video card I'm trying to get working with xgl/AIGLX and Beryl).

Also, the pointer gets garbled sometimes in X, but this is only a minor annoyance. Dual Head (Xinerama) also works with this driver, but don't use KDE control center to enable it (use the ATi tool or edit xorg.conf manually)

I have a feeling that this card gets in the way when trying to suspend to RAM (resuming with a complete blank screen, lights are blinking, but that's it), but this can also be caused by other means.

Proprietary ATI driver on Ubuntu Feisty

I had a hard time getting resume from suspend-to-ram to work with Feisty on a Thinkpad T60p. When resuming, the screen just went black with X hanging.

It works like this:

  1. In /etc/acpi/, as second line, add the line sudo chvt 1. This forces a switch to the text console before standby.
  2. Likewise, in add to the very end of the file /etc/acpi/ the line sudo chvt 7.
  3. Finally, the perhaps most important change goes into /etc/default/acpi-support. Change the line POST_VIDEO=true to read POST_VIDEO=. This was the point when it started working on my system.
NOTE: Step 3. above was the only change I needed to make. YMMV. --Brian E. Finley 23:26, 30 March 2007 (CEST)
NOTE: With only Step 3. above, my T60p would not even suspend when docked. Step 3. above was sufficient to make resume work for me when my laptop was not in its docking station. However, when I subsequently docked the machine I saw something I thought was banished with my upgrade to a 2.6.20 kernel: it uncermoniously powered off the instant it was docked, almost as though someone threw a hardware switch. --Dave Abrahams Thu Apr 12 11:18:22 EDT 2007
UPDATE: The problems mentioned above related to docking seem to happen when I use the gnome-power-manager applet menu but not when I use the suspend function in the window that results from clicking the "Log Out Button" applet. When I use the latter, suspend-to-RAM seems to work right, consistently. I'm following up with Ubuntu on this point. --Dave Abrahams Thu Apr 19 11:53 GMT 2007
NOTE: Editing /etc/acpi/ and /etc/acpi/ is not necessary, as there is an option in /etc/default/acpi-support for that very feature: Just set the commented out DOUBLE_CONSOLE_SWITCH=true, and it will do the console switch suggested automatically. --Webograph 12:43, 29 August 2007 (UTC)
NOTE: I also had success doing nothing more than setting POST_VIDEO=false (step 3). Using a T60p (2007-83U) with fglrx 8.3 (8.47.3-3~bpo40 from Debian's etch-backports) --Steve Ihde 31 May 2008

For completeness, here are the complete settings of this file:

  1. ACPI_SLEEP=true
  4. MODULES=""
  6. SAVE_VBE_STATE=true
  7. VBE_STATE=/var/lib/acpi_support/vbestate
  9. USE_DPMS=true
  10. # RADEON_LIGHT=true
  12. HIBERNATE_MODE=shutdown
  13. LOCK_SCREEN=true
  14. # DISABLE_DMA=true
  15. # RESET_DRIVE=true
  16. STOP_SERVICES="mysql "
  17. RESTART_IRDA=false

Point 11 may eventually replace the chvt settings above, but I didn't try.

Ubuntu Hardy

Suspend/hibernate seems to work in Hardy with latest Catalyst driver out of box (no need to edit any conf files!). The only confusing thing is that it goes to sleep and hibernate pretty fast, but it takes a long time to resume from both, especially from hibernate. The first impression that it hangs, but it's not.

Linux kernel Framebuffer driver

Supported by the vesafb-tng project, but requires the boot parameter video=vesafb:nocrtc.

Alternatively, you may use classic vesafb with vga=838 for a 1400x1050 screen with 32 bit color depth.

The fglrx driver may cause distortion/corruption of the framebuffer after use at high resolutions, making the text difficult to read.

Ubuntu Intrepid using RadeonHD driver

The RadeonHD driver is coming along and is very usable for 2D graphics, and now with the v1.2.3 release of the driver (not yet in the Intrepid repos), 3D support is there (XVideo extenstion works)! I have experienced no suspend/resume issues at all with this driver, so no caveats there.

The package you need to install is xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd. You probably have this installed already if you've installed the Intrepid Beta. However, as of this writing, the Beta includes version 1.2.1 of the driver which doesn't have the 3D support in it. I have a build of v1.2.3 available (actually git commit 29cd7382, built by dropping the latest bits into the xserver-xorg-video-radeon source package and building) to use until Intrepid has updated packages.

Just a few configuration nits.

/etc/X11/xorg.conf snippet:

Section "Device"
       Identifier  "LCD ATI Radeon Graphics Adapter"
       Driver      "radeonhd"
       Option      "AccelMethod"         "exa"
       Option      "DRI"                 "true"
       BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

You have to at least turn on DRI so the right plumbing gets hooked up for the 3D graphics. DRI in the driver is still off by default. And you can choose to not include the AccelMethod option, I've just found EXA to be faster than XAA (the default).

In previous versions of the driver you had to turn off both Composite and AIGLX. It appears you no longer need to do that, so if you have those in your Extensions or ServerFlags sections of xorg.conf, you can remove them.

There is a caveat, however, to get the kernel (2.6.27) to behave properly with a graphics console (i.e., what you get if you hit CTRL-ALT-F1). Similar to the above comment about using a framebuffer, you have to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and change the defoptions line to something like:

# defoptions=video=vesafb vga=835

Then you type "update-grub" as root to update the kernel boot params with this new info. Mode 835 is 1400x1050 at 256 color depth. There are lots of other options, use "vga=ask" instead and reboot to find out what they are for your specific screen.

Note that you can't have "splash" on this line as the splash boot screen will mess up the console so that it becomes unusable, that is, a blank screen if you switch to any console. (Other suggestions for ways to deal with the boot console welcome.)

ThinkPads this chip may be found in